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Rai$ing Green for Kids
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Bay Harbor Yacht Club
Registration for this event is currently closed.
We are grateful to our generous 2018 sponsors listed below:


  • Mr. & Mrs. John Goodman
  • Mrs. Laura Chaney & Mr. Rand Shackleton
  • Mr. & Mrs. David Donovan
  • Mr. & Mrs. James Fabiano
  • Mr. & Mrs. Dave Frescoln
  • Ms. Kathi Glass
  • McLaren Northern Michigan Foundation
  • Ms. Kristine Ziola & Mr. John Pardell
  • Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stallkamp
  • Mr. & Mrs. Joe Nachtrab
  • Mr. & Mrs. Bryon & Caryl Chocola
  • Mrs. Trudie Costello
  • Mr. & Mrs. Al Dicken
  • Mr. & Mrs. Gus Serra
  • Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gardella
  • Mrs. Diane K Giffin
  • Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harris
  • Dr. and Mrs. William Henry
  • Mr. & Mrs. David V. Johnson
  • Mr. & Mrs. Dave & Debbie Kring
  • Mr. & Mrs. John Kroha
  • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin
  • Mr. & Mrs.. William McCormick
  • Mr. & Mrs. John McFarland
  • Mr. & Mrs. Robert Muneio
  • Mr. & Mrs. William U. Parfet
  • Mr. & Mrs. Dave Ryan
  • Mr. Tom Schellenberg & Hon. Joan Young
  • Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Kathleen Schroeder
  • Mr. & Mrs. David Small
  • Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. & Ronda Swaninger
  • Mr. and Mrs. John Bieber
  • Mr. & Mrs. David Buzzelli
  • Mr. and Mrs. William Cobb
  • Dr. & Mrs. David Moore
  • Mr. & Mrs. William & Julie Norcross
  • Mr. & Mrs. John Ogden
  • Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sauers
  • Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sprotte
  • Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Susan Stern
  • Mr. Robert S. Troth
  • Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Bubb
  • Mrs. Betty Davis
  • Mrs. Andrea Fisher
  • Mr. Dale Manor
  • Mr. Dante Melotti Jr
  • Petoskey Plastics
  • Mr. & Mrs. Tom Saeli
  • Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Shepard